Today's date is 12 March 2025

Venue Frequently Asked Questions

What are the costs involved? currently offers three package options. The first is an annual registration fee of £485 plus VAT per venue with no commission, the second is an annual registration fee of £285 plus VAT and we will invoice for 8% commission in each piece of confirmed business, the third is a commission only package, there's no registration fee and commission will be charged at 15% on each confirmed booking.

You can change your option online if you find that one option suits you better than the one you originally selected too.

Not only do you get to list your venue, but we welcome news articles for our home page and we can provide you with the coding to sit behind a button or a graphic on your own site so your meeting space can be booked online from your own site - contact us for more details on this.

The vast majority of bookings made via shortleadmeetings are from the direct sector, however, some venue agents do use shortleadmeetings and their commission terms should also be honoured when booking via too.

Who are your targeted booker audience?

We have an initial database of in excess of 4500 corporate, association and charity bookers. At the top end of this database we have 800 bookers, each unique to a corporate, association or charity (therefore high scope for colleague referral) who are responsible for booking in excess of 7500 meetings and conferences per year.

How will you attract bookers to use intends on becoming the conference and meetings industry equivalent to – a site that is a bookers first port of call when arranging a short lead meeting. We have a strong marketing plan in place which includes, but is not limited to exciting, “must have” monthly incentives, targeted e-newsletters, advertising, updates and, for both bookers and venues alike, regular site updates to include use of the latest leading edge technology at all times. If you would like to promote your venue further by becoming involved in future booker monthly incentives and/or featuring in a news article (news will be featured on the home page, ie, the first page a booker will see) please do contact us at

How do I register?

There are two options available. You can either register online which is essentially a two stage process. Stage (1) is that you register and create an account and Stage (2) is when you enter your venue(s) information, ie, contact details, description and photo of your venue and your meeting room matrix. Once these two stages have been completed you are free to enter your meeting room availability and rates which immediately become available to bookers. If you prefer not to register online then we can provide you with a registration form by email for you to complete and email back to us.

How we will receive enquiries?

Bookers are able to search by filling in as much or as little of the search criteria as they wish. With one click they will see all the venues with meeting rooms availability that meets their search criteria. Bookers then decide on their venue, click on the “Book” button and that creates a “provisional booking” email that will be sent directly to you. When you register your venue you will also be able to include a second email address and all enquiries will be copied to this address so Conference and Banqueting can work on the enquiries and Sales can monitor the enquiry levels.

How often should we change our room availability?

Adding and amending room availability is a straightforward, quick process – we’ve made it that way on purpose. You can add and/or change availability as often as you like, ideally if a room becomes unavailable then we would ask that this is removed as soon as possible to avoid bookers disappointment, but as we understand that will not be the only way that enquiries will come to through to you, we have put a caveat in the terms and conditions that covers non-availability of a requested meeting room. Bookers will not be able to search for “passed dates”. If a booker does not enter any dates in the search criteria will only show forward availability based on that day’s date. Any unsold space will “drop” off the system.

Should we include all our meeting room availability?

That’s entirely up to you. Some venues that we’ve spoken to intend only to include their smaller boardroom/training rooms on, others intend to include all meeting rooms and all availability over the coming three months.

What sort of future developments should we expect to see?

Many! We have plans to add a truly interactive map for bookers, to the point that they will be able to define a search area themselves. will also, uniquely, allow venues to promote “special offers”. You will shortly be able to add details of promotions and these will link to your availability, if the promotion is available on the search dates selected by the booker. For example, during the summer from 1st July to 31st August, booking a meeting with you would benefit from a private BBQ lunch or complimentary ice creams during the afternoon tea/coffee break then this is a way to further promote your offers and this will be coming soon. We will soon be able to offer you the ability to upload virtual tours of your properties. has a powerful reporting tool that means we are able to report back to you in terms of your market share of enquiries, etc., but our aim is to have this available for you to be able to access direct. We are also working on a “request a call” facility too. This may be an offering further down the road, but we’d like to offer bookers the chance to “request a call” direct from the venue that they’ve selected. Exciting plans are afoot, but if you have any developments that you’d like to see please do let us know at

If we’ve not managed to answer your question above, or you would like further clarification of any of the answers above please don’t hesitate to contact us at

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